Business Woman...You "Rack" Literally.
Business woman
I was very pleased when I found this survey that forty-seven percent of women are employed and eighty-six percent of all personal wealth is controlled by women. I can certainly say that women have come a long way. Women have been in the driver seat in a lot of household for a very long time, and those women have no choice but to do whatever it takes to raise their children. So, this study will not be a surprise to those women, and business women alike.
As a single mom and a small business woman, I realize that I have to work in harmony with my kids who wanted me to be there for them, and being a sole income earner, I have to work. Basically, I had to larn to balance both my work life and family life. This is when I put my thinking cap on, and figured out how to be at home as a single income earner, and at the same time manage my business.
First, I decided that I needed to get some help in the office. So, with that in mind l hired a young receptionist to be at the office early in the mornings and I would go in after my children was at school. Thanks for technology, because I was able to transfer all my calls from my office to my cell phone, and although I was home, I was able to answer my office phone professionally.
As a Single busy mom, you sometimes need to get help. You don’t have to pressure yourself to be a super mom who can “do it all.” The supermom ideology is not good for you or your kids. It will burn you out, and change your personality tremendously. When you are anxious you can become difficult to live with, and don’t forget that stress can be seen on your face from a mile away.
And, if you are ready to get back in the dating pool, you definitely won’t look approachable,and so it wont be easy for a man to walk up to you and say hello.
He will take one look at your face and look the other way, no matter how pretty you are, you need that friendly smile. You also need to be approachable as a business woman who is always looking for business prospects.
Everything worked out better for us after I incorporated other businesses under the same umbrella. I realized then that with the help of technology, I don’t need a base to do business. I can conduct business from anywhere in the world, and you can too. Check out this excellent GLOBAL business below.
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How I Saved Money?
My major business at that time was paying me on invoice every thirty to forty five days. At first it was very difficult, because I needed the money to pay my workers. But after a few months my finances was on track. However, life is not just about living. It’s about growth, so I saved my profits and used them to grow my business.
I only spend money when it is necessary. I spend on what I need and not what I want. I learned from a very young age how to be satisfied with what I have because many people in the world are in worse positions. As an entrepreneur and a business woman I can tell you that women these days are aware of how powerful and influential we are. We are building networks and promoting women’s conferences all over the world. Women, and especially single moms, it is very simple: save your money, own a home business and be with your kids.
Continue reading and you will get many home based business ideas that I am sure you will find very useful. Don’t forget to read the page on Daily Deals. Plus there are many pages that talks about budgeting like how to bargain and shop wisely. Happy reading!!
From: Business Woman To: Busy Moms Dating Tips